World-Global - Characters - Barbossa - Free Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game
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Character Information
Name: Barbossa
Sex: Male
Vocation: Elite Knight
Level: 11069
World: World-Global
Residence: Thais
Last login: 22 May 2024, 11:00 pm
Account Status: Free Account

Demon Helmet
Pits Of Inferno
The Annihilator
The First Dragon
The Inquisition
Yalahar Quest
Svargrond Arena
Music Box
Demon Oak
EK/RP Amazon Set
Boots Of World
Mage Amazon Set
Dolls Quest
Blazebringer Mount Quest
Tuning Fork Quest
Destruction Weapons Quest
Rook Acess Quest

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Top 5 Experience

1 - Opssz
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   Royal Paladin
4 - Solas
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5 - Shadow Lord
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