World-Global - Characters - Minina - Free Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game
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Character Information
Name: Minina
Sex: Female
Vocation: Elite Knight
Level: 1021
World: World-Global
Residence: Thais
Guild Membership: Soldier of the Cosa Nostra
Last login: 7 February 2024, 10:06 am
Account Status: Free Account

Demon Helmet
Pits Of Inferno
The Annihilator
The First Dragon
The Inquisition
Yalahar Quest
Svargrond Arena
Music Box
Demon Oak
EK/RP Amazon Set
Boots Of World
Mage Amazon Set
Dolls Quest
Blazebringer Mount Quest
Tuning Fork Quest
Destruction Weapons Quest
Rook Acess Quest

Character Last Deaths
7/02/2024 03:54Died at level 1024 by a cobra scout.
7/02/2024 01:28Died at level 948 by a Burster Spectre.
7/02/2024 00:15Died at level 257 by a Burster Spectre.
6/02/2024 22:00Died at level 136 by a grim reaper.
6/02/2024 01:13Died at level 343 by a grim reaper.

Account Information
Created:4 February 2024, 2:18 am

1. Minina World-Global offline

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Top 5 Experience

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